Family Literacy Night Is Next Tuesday January 27th

Family Literacy Night,
Tuesday January 27th
from 3:30-6:00 p.m.
in the Library

Come and share a book with your child, make a bookmark and share in an activity.
For more information contact our librarian Yee Lin Kwan.

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Safe Schools and Engaged Communities Forum

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In October 2014, a steering team was established to conduct an independent review into the circumstances surrounding the death of a student inside North Albion CI. In addition, the team is also reviewing how the Toronto District School Board can be responsive and current to best support safety and care for all students and staff, both before and after critical incidents.

As a part of this review, parents/guardians, students and community members are invited to participate in a Community Forum to discuss how to improve school and community safety.

You are invited to the following Safe Schools and Engaged Communities Forum:

13 January 2015
David and Mary Thomson CI
2740 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

15 January 2015
Thistletown CI
20 Fordwich Cres, Etobicoke, ON
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Please contact 416-395-8155 if you require an interpreter or childcare at the meeting.

 Your feedback is very important and will inform the team as they prepare a report and provide recommendations on how the Toronto District School Board can continue moving the gains made in creating safe and caring school environments out to our school communities.

If you are unable to attend one of the above meetings, you can email your feedback to

Jim Stathopoulos
Essex Public School and Hawthorne II Bilingual Alternative School

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Grade 8 Transition Newsletter

We are in the midst of high school planning and over the next couple of months; students will be required to make some important choices for grade 9. This is a very exciting and important time for our grade 8 students. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep you informed of some of the procedures and important deadlines for course selections.

Grade 9 Course Selections
We will begin course selections the week of Jan 20th 2015. This year, students attending their home high schools will complete two course selection sheets; one on the MyBlueprint website and an identical hard copy version. High schools are requesting both versions to ensure all students have selected courses online accurately and also to make room for teacher recommendations. It is important they are comfortable using this tool. It is strongly recommended students log in to this website at home and further explore the high school planner with their families to ensure they are prepared to make final decisions for grade 9 within the next few weeks. All grade 8 students have already created accounts on My Blueprint and worked through several aspects of the program including the high school planner. Students can log in from home at with their username and password (password should be student number). Time will be given in class for students to select courses online.

Parents/ guardians are expected to verify and sign both versions of the course selection sheets and return them to school by the week of February 23rd.

Important Dates

  • Week of January 14th – Elementary schools will be notified of which high schools are open for Optional Attendance. (Optional Attendance Forms are available at the school office)
  • January 30th – Optional Attendance forms are due to high schools (delivered by parents/guardians).
  • Week of February 13th –Students are informed of their acceptance to Specialized Programs and Optional Attendance schools.
  • Week of February 15th- 20th Complete course selection sheets on MyBlueprint and Submit
  • Week of February 23rdBoth completed course selections (printed MyBlueprint and paper copy) are verified and signed by parents/guardians and returned to classroom teachers.
  • February 26th and 27th – All course selection sheets are delivered to high schools by Mrs. Lambers.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding course selections or any of the information above, please contact me at

Thank you,
Tracie Lambers
WR 9 Elementary Itinerant Guidance Counsellor

document_icon Download a copy of this newsletter.
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8)

Essex Open House


For students going into Grade 7

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015
6:00-7:00 p.m.

Parents & Students, come see what makes our school great:

  • Academic Programs
  • Design and Technology
  • Athletics
  • Special Education Programs
  • The Arts

A chance to meet our Faculty, Students, and School Council.
Essex Public School, 50 Essex Street


document_icon Download open house flyer.
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Pizza Days – Forms Due This Friday January 9th

Dear Essex Parent/Guardian,

We are pleased to announce that our PIZZA DAY lunches raised over $1,000 last school year. Thank you to all of the families that participated. This year, funds are being raised for student activities such as Scientists in the Classroom, ski trips and many more. We look forward to your continued support.

Our next pizza lunches will be on Friday January 16, Friday January 30, Thursday February 12, Friday February 27, and Friday March 13, 2015.

For your convenience, please complete and return the order form (there is a link below), along with the money for all 5 days, by Friday January 9, 2015 for all 5 pizza day lunches. You will not be able to order pizza the day of.


Parent volunteers are needed to help serve the pizza to the kids. If you are able and free on any of the above lunchtime dates, we’d greatly appreciate your much-needed help. Please contact Nicole at 416-531-6367.

Thank you.

document_icon Download the Pizza Days Form here!
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Grade 7&8: Information Night for the Quebec Trip

Grade 7 & 8 Parents: There is an information night for the Quebec Trip on Thursday, January 15th, at 6pm in the Library. The tour company, EduTravel, will have a representative present to answer any questions. It is not too late to sign up for the trip – our goal is to have all students participate in the end of year excursion, which for some students, will highlight the culmination of their time at Essex. You can still sign up for the trip – either online or in person!

For the website:
1. Enter your Trip Code: essexmtl2015
2. Create a New Account
3. Enter Parent/Guardian’s Name (first and last), Email Address, and assign a Password
4. Click on Book Your Ticket
5. Enter Passenger Details: Passenger’s Name, Gender, Date of Birth, and Phone Number
6. Enter Mailing Address: Street Address, City, Postal Code, Country, and Province
7. Enter Parent/Guardian Info: Contact’s Name (first and last), Relationship to Passenger, Phone Number,
Alternate Phone Number, and Email Address
8. Enter Emergency Contact Info: Contact’s Name (first and last), Relationship to Passenger, Phone Number,
Alternate Phone Number, and Email Address
9. Enter Other Details: Passenger’s Allergies, Dietary Restrictions, and Medical Information [Click Next
10. Select Ticket Details: Cancellation Insurance (optional), Health Insurance (optional), and Rooming
Options (quadruple) [Click Next Step]
11. Review the trip pricing and select the deposit(s) you would like to pay
12. Select a payment method: Credit Card or Cheque [Click Proceed to Payment]
13. For Credit Card: Enter valid Credit Card information (Visa or Mastercard) and Billing Address
For Cheque: Print the Cheque Mail Form and mail the form with your cheque to EduTravel. Please make
the cheque payable to EduTravel Inc.
14. Receive Confirmation of Registration via email.

document_icon Download registration instructions here!
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8)

Snack Program Order Form

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We would like to update you on our Snack Program. During the First Term, we were very successful in maintaining our objective to provide all our students with a healthy snack. Thank you for your support and contributions as this helps us ensure that our students are provided with healthy food options. Very importantly, research shows that eating a healthy meal in the morning can help improve performance at school, give you more energy, reduce hunger, and maintain a healthy weight.

As we are now into our Second Term of the Snack Program, which started in September of this school year, and is given to all students in our school, we would to once again ask for a contribution to help our program. This is a partially subsidized program which helps cover some of the costs (e.g., preparation and food costs), but your donation goes a long way to helping ensure every child gets a snack.

Our objective is to continue to promote healthy eating and to ensure that all of our students have access to a nutritious snack daily.

Thanking you in advance for all of your support. Please print out and return the order form linked below.


Jim Stathopoulos Natalie Patterson
Principal Vice Principal


document_icon Download the Snack Program Order Form
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Last Day of School – Friday Dec. 19th

This Friday is the last day of school before the Winter Break. School will resume January 5, 2015.


Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Wear GREEN This Thursday Dec. 18

The Essex and Hawthorne Kindies are in charge of the Character Assembly for Kindness and Caring and Empathy this Thurs. Dec. 18 at approximately 9:30 a.m. in the East gym. The assembly will run approximately 30 min.

Please encourage your children to wear GREEN!

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Spirit Day-Friday December 19th

Friday December 19th is Spirit Day/Pyjama Day at Essex and Hawthorne. Students and staff are encouraged to wear their favourite pair of PJs for the last day of school before Winter Break.

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)