Principal’s Report and School Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday December 5, 2017 6:00 pm

Principal’s Report


– School Website Information Pamphlet – being revised and edited by Admin and Staff

– Holocaust Speaker for the Grade 7/8 at Palmerston Library – Thursday November 9th

– Extra-curricular activities is being update for November – March

– Little Jammers did classroom info visits Thursday, December 7

  • Little Jammer will begin in the new year at Lunch – date to be determined

– Grade 8s have had high school visits to:

  • Harbord – Wednesday, November 29TH
  • Central Toronto Academy – Friday, December 8th

– Facilities:

  • Barrier- Free Upgrade Walk-through – November 13th
  • Proposed fencing between the primary playground basketball court for DD Outdoor play – November 14th – funding and next steps
  • Site Funding needs submitted for blinds for 3rd floor; picnic tables and benches for intermediates

– Eco-School Waste Audit completed – Thursday, November 30th

– Essex School Concert – Wednesday, December 20th with a 6:00p start

– Winter Holidays – Monday, December 25th, 2017 – Friday, January 5th, 2018 (inclusive)

  • Students return to school – Monday, January 8th

– Cooling Areas Memo – by June 18, all schools to have cooling area


– updated the School Letter Form to include the “blurb”

– print the signage to post for on School Council bulletin board

– Translation support is usually initiated by the Teacher

  • When students are registered, the office is also aware of translation, if needed
  • Currently there are 3 families that require translating; e.g., parent-teacher interviews

Social Media Presentation: Chris Vollum

– Requesting funds from school council

– Presentation during the day for students (Grades 4-8) and parents in the evening @ 6:00 – 7:30p

Social Media fitness

  • Students will actively consider their current and future online content by working through two questions:
  • WHAT they post, and WHY?
  • By owning the WHY, students can better achieve clarity, which support their wellness and address stress and anxiety

Student Learning:

  • Daily Habits; Important vs Urgent
  • Screen-time Balance; Less is More
  • Wellness; Reduce Anxiety & Stress
  • Build a Sustainable Reputation
  • How Proficiency Increase Safety
  • Increase Online Confidence & Skills

Dates available:


  • Monday; 8, 29
  • Tuesday; 9, 30
  • Wednesday; 10
  • Thursday; Booked


  • Monday; 5, 12, 26
  • Tuesday; 6, 13, 20, 27
  • Wednesday; 7, 28
  • Thursday; 1, 8, 15, 22


  • Monday; 5, 19, 26
  • Tuesday; 6, 20, 27
  • Wednesday; 7, 28
  • Thursday; 1, 8, 22, 29


– Three foci for the school – staff-based learning



How do we learn to deepen our students thinking skills across the curriculum including in mathematics?


  • Student demonstrates that is okay to struggle as well as make mistakes and build resilience and grit as a result of staff using growth mindset approach
  • Students are able to strategies (e.g., CUBES strategy in math problem-solving) as a result of staff using step-by-step modeling for how to understand complex problems
  • Students are able to explain their thinking and are able to hear their peers’ ideas from the staff implementation of the use of math journals and number talks
  • Students make deeper and memorable connections (e.g., attending plays, hearing Holocaust survivors speak, participating in waste audits, visiting long term care facilities, raising $ for charitable causes of their choosing, pen pals with students in Indigenous communities etc.) through experiential learning organized and planned by staff
  • Student are able to show over time a greater comprehension of a variety of text as a result of staff and admin continuing to build the “Book Room” with guided reading resources for all grades and graphic organizers that staff use for instruction
  • Highlighting a comprehension strategy each month in the library and providing classroom teachers with booklists/texts to use with each strategy
  • Students can listen to each other and build on each other’s thinking from the use of knowledge building circles during classroom inquiries
  • Staff will use divisional PLC time to plan inquiries that focus on comprehension and critical thinking skills in both literacy and mathematics as demonstrated through their practice and students’ ability to demonstrate comprehension and critical thinking.
  • The School Literacy and Numeracy committees supports, monitors and check in with our progress toward these goals through classroom observation and student samples of work



How do we learn how to model and teach exemplary inclusionary practices so that all students feel included, regardless of race, ability, language, sexual orientation or gender?


· Student are able to demonstrate understanding and knowledge of the Aboriginal/Indigenous perspective as a result of:

Staff continues to build on learning in greater depth about Aboriginal/Indigenous Education and knowledge; and,

Incorporate this perspective in their curriculum delivery.

  • Students are able to demonstrate their understanding of what truth and reconciliation because Staff has modelled and taught exemplary inclusions practices; and, by sharing resources on what truth and reconciliation looks like in the classroom
  • Build our library resources with a focus on indigenous authors, gender diversity, and a variety of learning styles.
  • Work with our ESL Itinerant teacher to create welcome kits we can use with newcomers in our classes.
  • Work with administration to use translation services for all important documents that go home to ESL and ELL families.
  • Increase parent involvement and attendance in community events, work with our parent council to identify and reduce barriers.
  • Partner teachers in ISP classes with regular classes to provide “buddy”, integration or reverse integration opportunities.
  • Offer a number of clubs and teams at lunch hour so ISP student are able to attend (no bus conflicts).
  • Continue PALs program at recess where older students teach recess games to younger students
  • Use our specialist teachers (e.g., ESL, Empower Reading, Developmental Disabilities) to provide differentiated instruction strategies to staff
  • Consider school signage (i.e., multiple languages, all gender washrooms)
  • Use school equity committee to monitor and check in on our progress with these goals



How do we learn to teach students to use metacognitive awareness by articulating their feelings (zone), and how this affects their ability to self-regulate and learn at school?


  • Students use SNAP framework for common language and strategies to regulate and problem solve as adults model and teach students in our building
  • Students learn to self-regulate because the adults model the strategies and regular use of the Zones of Regulation with younger children and ISP classes in particular to build self-awareness about how their feelings affect their learning
  • Students are able to check-in and monitor where they are at (e.g. Zones of Regulation, 5 point thermometers, voice-level meters etc.) when asked as a result of staff posting visual signage in classrooms; and, participation in Yoga and mindfulness sessions during the school day
  • Catalogue SNAP, Zones of Regulation and MindUp Curriculum Resources in our school library
  • Use Safe and Caring Schools committee to monitor and check in our progress with these goals

School Council Chair Update

  • School council and admin sent a letter to Chief of Police requesting crossing guards on Shaw (at Hallam and Garnet); police will conduct  traffic surveys on the intersections to determine is an adult crossing guard is warranted.
  • Parent orientation handbook – work group will determine content and ask parents/admin/school council for content as needed.
  • School photos to be provided by Edge Imaging and will go up in the school.
  • Translation: the blog has a Google translator widget and it is the prime method of communication, partly for this reason; sent emails through parent link and bulletin board to encourage parents and guardians to subscribe to updates
  • School Council Insurance was renewed.
  • School Statement of Need was completed for 2017/18 and submitted.

School Council Treasurer Update

Account funds are healthy and Alana will provide more detailed update at February meeting

Fundraising Update

  • Melissa is leading fundraising activities, including Spring Fling.
  • Book sale was up for Monster Mixer and after – thanks to Mary and Nancy and all others who helped to maintain it and put it away. It would be good to ask for DVD donations next time as they sell well
  • It would be good to add spirit wear sales to School Cash Online – Darci has new designs in the works, hopefully for release in the spring.
  • Online Silent Auction was a great success – thanks to organizers and those who supported it with purchases.
  • Focus of Spring Fling fundraising needs to be determined.

School Snack

  • Menu and more information was released on school blog.
  • Kate will look at snack and program ideas around food.

Early Reading Program

  • This has begun, books have been purchased and cost of police reference cheques covered by School Council.

Programming motion:

  • Social media and digital literacy presentation partly funded by School Council through Parent Reaching Out grant for evening event. School admin will book this.
  • $1200 – Theatrix workshops. School admin will book this.
  • $800 – BHM: cultural event like drumming, weekly. School admin will book this.
  • Melissa – propose
  • Alana – 2nd
  • All in favour.
  • Motion passed.

Discretionary Fund Motion:

  • Proposal to provide school admin with $1000  to use to support needy families for personal items (grocery cards, winter clothes) or school trips and experiences. This partially replaces Model School funds for this purpose.
  • Jessica – propose
  • Kate – 2nd
  • All in favour.
  • Motion passed.

Lice Checks

  • Debbie & Harry will follow up on Sarah’s research into options.

Lunch Time

  • Staggered start – much better this year.
  • One table for stragglers to finish eating.
  • Children wear snow pants and boots but not coats to eat.
  • Litter outside is being addressed

Outdoor Play and Learning Committee Update:

  • Jessica H. plans to attend the OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) Symposium put on by Earth Play on January 19th to look at bringing OPAL to Essex in the 2018-2019 school year, more info can be found at
  • In addition, the administration and teachers from the eco-committee are planning a site visit with Justin Nadeau (from TDSB grounds office) to look at our school yard and identify a potential area for school yard naturalization.  The students with the eco-team will work with the teachers on the eco-committee in the spring to plant natural shrubs in our school yard if this project is approved

School Cash Online: help with sign-up, exceptions

  • Families in need of support can ask school office for help signing up.

** Remaining items from agenda deferred.

Reminder next meeting date: Tuesday Feb 6, 6:00 p.m.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Outdoor Play and Learning at Essex-Hawthorne

Are you interested in learning more about the Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) program for schools?
Join Essex and Hawthorne parents at the OPAL Symposium on Friday January 19th, 2018.  The OPAL program works to promote the benefits of play in schools and engages the school community to enhance the time for students to direct their own play and learning.
How does OPAL work?
A school board partners with Earth Day Canada, and convenes a lead team of teachers, parents and support staff to implement the program.
OPAL mentors facilitate playdays, workshops, events and parent outreach, leading to the development of a school-wide play policy.
“Loose parts” are introduced and strategic design improvements are made to prioritize play value for students.
Program roll-out is evaluated and schools receive recognition with awards at a “celebration of play” assembly.
If you wish to be a part of this exciting project for the 2018-2019 school year please contact for Essex and for Hawthorne.
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Second Term Snack Payment Due

Second Term Snack contribution of $20 is now due. Please ignore if you have paid the full amount of $50 in September.

Please see link below for the application and menu.

Term 2 payment reminder2018

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Grade 8 Graduation Photo Day

The Grade 8 photo day for Graduation is on Thursday January 25th.

Details are available on the posters around the school.

Your child will be given a flyer and order form to bring home.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8)

Lice Check Volunteers Needed

Lice checks for students at Essex are scheduled for Thursday January 25th and Thursday March 22nd.

Volunteers to assist on these 2 days would be helpful. Please contact the school office if you are available.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Grade 7 Information Evening for Parents – Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Parents of students currently in Grade 6 are invited to the Essex Public School Grade 7/8 information night. Join us to learn more about our diverse in-class programming and extra-curricular activities.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018.

It will take place in the Library @ 6:00 p.m.

2018 Essex Gr 7 Open House Flyer
Posted in Announcements, Junior (Grades 4-6)

You Are Invited to a Parent Workshop

mage result for read&write for parents

You are invited to a parent workshop on Read&Write Literacy Software and Voice-to-Text with Google Docs

  • Are you a parent of a student in Grade 4-8?
  • Does your child need assistance reading material from the web?
  • Does your child struggle with writing school assignments?
  • Do you wish to learn more about assistive technology?

Come and learn about free educational software

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

School Library

RSVP and Questions


You are invited to a parent workshop.docx

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6)

2018 Resolution: Waste Free Lunches at Essex and Hawthorne

The Essex and Hawthorne students are making a new year’s resolution to do their part to minimize waste.  The eco-team has been working hard all fall to educate teachers and students to properly sort their waste, and divert as much as we can from landfill.  However, the lunch room still poses a problem- many containers and wrappers are being placed in the wrong bins, and uneaten food is being thrown away instead of composted.

Therefore by the end of the month, we challenge all families to send litterless lunches to school.  Our waste bins will be removed from the gym on February 1st, 2018 and BOOMERANG LUNCH will begin.  Students will be expected to bring home any unfinished food, wrappers and containers to be properly sorted at home.

We hope you rise to the challenge and begin packing waste-free lunches in 2018!

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Pizza Day Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed to help distribute pizza on Pizza Day Fridays, starting at 11:15 a.m. for one hour. If you are available for any pizza day we would love to have you come out and help!

To sign up for one or more shifts please email Alana Motta at or sign up on the sign up sheet outside the front office. Please note: even if you have a little one with you, we can still use your help. (Setting up and selling in the lobby, taking the pizza to classrooms, etc.)

The dates for Pizza Days are:

Friday January 12, 2018
Friday January 26, 2018
Friday February 9, 2018
Friday February 23, 2018
Friday March 9, 2018
Friday March 23, 2018
Friday April 6, 2018
Friday April 20, 2018
Friday May 4, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday June 1, 2018
Friday June 15, 2018

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Twoonie for Unicef December 22

Unicef is raising funds to help 1.5 million vulnerable children in the Middle East who are displaced by conflict. Tomorrow you can help! Wear your pyjamas and bring a toonie for Unicef and help a child in need.

Money raised will go towards:

• Winter clothing kits to over 800,000 children across the region, including to families that have been displaced by recent fighting,
• Cash assistance to the families of more than 320,000 vulnerable children,
• Child friendly spaces and school heating for 105,000 children,
• Thermal blankets for almost 240,000 children.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)