Waste-Free Lunch Tips from your Friendly Essex Eco-Team

Dear Parents,

The Eco-Team has been working hard to teach our classmates about the importance of reducing waste.  We created this super awesome waste timeline that is hanging in our gym/lunch room to remind us just how long it takes for some plastics and wrappers to break down.  In 100 short years, we have dumped an enormous amount of plastic in our oceans that were plastic free for the 4.5 billion years before that. Yikes!  This is the fault of our generation and we need to fix it for future generations.

Here are some tips to eliminate waste from your kids’ lunch bags:

1) Always use a reusable lunch bag.

2) Send a refillable water bottle and get rid of juice boxes (straws cannot be recycled and take 450 years to break down).

3) Buy tubs of yogurt or apple sauce at home, and used refillable containers rather than single serve cups.  Make sure to rinse out and recycle those tubs and jars at home or else they stick around on our earth for 1 million years.

4)Fresh fruits and veggies do not have any packaging and they make good snacks.  (So do homemade cookies and muffins!)

We hope you will take the time to save the Earth.
Love, the students on Eco-Team!
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)