Window Replacement Schedule

The schools will be having door and window replacement work to begin on March Break.

Facilities will need access to the parking lot to organize the trailers and waster bins.

As a result, the parking lot will not be accessible for parking beginning Wednesday, March 7th after school to Thursday, March 8th in the morning. Once the equipment has been set-up, the parking will be re-open and accessible.

The door and window replacement will begin March Break and continue until completed.

Notices will be posted at the various entrances when the work is being done.

As well, areas will be marked off when the work is being done.

Facilities will begin with Exit #3 by the daycare, followed by exit #6, exit 5, exit #10 and exit #9

Here is the tentative schedule for the window and door replacement: 

Equipment deliveries and mobilization: March 7-9

Exit 2: March 12-13

Exit 5: March 14-15

Exit 6: March 16-19

Exit 3: March 20-21

Exit 9: March 22-23

Exit 10: March 26-27

Exit 12: March 28-30

Windows above main entrance 2nd floor: April 2-3 (can be coordinated to be done together with 3rd floor windows when they arrive)

Windows above main entrance 3rd floor: TBA

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

This Just In: Spirit Wear!

Hi Essex family,

We are very excited this year about Essex’s new spiritwear collection and new logo!  We love our school and want everyone to spread their spirit.  Essex is an incredible school with amazing faculty and terrific students.  We wanted everyone to be able to wear Essex spiritwear…. so we tried to make that happen this year including T shirts for all of the cute little babies kicking around and cozy sweatpants for Dad!  There are also a few new item like the synch bag (back pack) and a new Essex Tote bag!   When you are placing your order we really want you to think beyond your kids and maybe a little something for yourself or grandma or maybe even your super supportive neighbour who always gives money towards school events…. she may love a new tote bag!   Anyways you get what we are saying… we love our school so why don’t we start spreading the word and showing our spirit.

Thank you in advance for your support and I know you will enjoy your new spiritwear for your family.

Darci Barrett
Spiritwear Designer for Essex and Marlowe and Bailley’s Mom

And from the rest of the super PTA committee.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Dewson SJC Anti-Racism Event

Dear Dewson Parents/Guardians:
You are invited to attend
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
6:00 p.m.: Doors Open & Refreshments
6:30-8:00 p.m.: Panel Discussion in Gym
6:30-8:00 p.m.: Storytelling for Kids in Library
Racism in Schools: A Panel Discussion on Power, Privilege and Anti-Racism
Please join us for an engaging panel discussion about power, privilege and anti-racism in our schools. Learn about important issues and barriers faced by racialized students, families and staff and how the whole school community can support equity and approaches to justice. We hope to “connect the dots” to the TDSB Enhancing Equity Task Force Report and Recommendations published in December 2017; the Board’s February 7, 2018 approval of the report (Helping all Students Succeed: Director’s Response to the Enhancing Equity Task Force); and next steps to improved outcomes for all students.
Gita Madan (Education Not Incarceration, Co-Founding Member)
Knia Singh (Lawyer and Activist)
Philip Cote (“Noodjmowin” – Moose Dee Point First Nation Artist and Educator)
Qaiser Ahmad (Guidance Counsellor | TDSB Islamic Heritage Month Planning Group Co-Chair)
with Sandra Whiting (Storyteller)
So that we can have an estimate for food, please
Organized by the Dewson Social Justice Committee
Free Event with Refreshments & Childminding – Everyone Welcome
Best Regards,
D. Williams
Dewson School Council Co-Chair
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Painting of Primary Wings

The School has been notified by TDSB Facilities that they will be painting the walls of the Primary wing on the first and second floor.
The painting will take place during March Break. 
Staff have been advised to remove any materials from the walls during the painting.  The School has been informed that the painting will not interfere with student learning. 
Thank You
J. Harry Quon
Note: post updated Tuesday Feb. 20/18
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Waste-Free Lunch Tips from your Friendly Essex Eco-Team

Dear Parents,

The Eco-Team has been working hard to teach our classmates about the importance of reducing waste.  We created this super awesome waste timeline that is hanging in our gym/lunch room to remind us just how long it takes for some plastics and wrappers to break down.  In 100 short years, we have dumped an enormous amount of plastic in our oceans that were plastic free for the 4.5 billion years before that. Yikes!  This is the fault of our generation and we need to fix it for future generations.

Here are some tips to eliminate waste from your kids’ lunch bags:

1) Always use a reusable lunch bag.

2) Send a refillable water bottle and get rid of juice boxes (straws cannot be recycled and take 450 years to break down).

3) Buy tubs of yogurt or apple sauce at home, and used refillable containers rather than single serve cups.  Make sure to rinse out and recycle those tubs and jars at home or else they stick around on our earth for 1 million years.

4)Fresh fruits and veggies do not have any packaging and they make good snacks.  (So do homemade cookies and muffins!)

We hope you will take the time to save the Earth.
Love, the students on Eco-Team!
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

February Heritage Month Assembly

February marks Black History/African Heritage Month and Chinese Heritage Month.  We will be celebrating with an Assembly on Tuesday February 20th at 10:30 am in the Essex Gym.  The famous Lion Dancers will be returning to entertain us.  There will also be performances from the choir and some homeroom classes.  We welcome parents to join us in the gym for this special event.
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Essex Book and DVD Sale

The popular Essex Book Sale Table is returning.  Look for gently used books and DVDs in the front lobby from February 15th through until the end of the month.  All donations ($1 per book or DVD) will go toward enrichment programming for our homeroom classes (for example Scientists in the Schools Workshops, Theatricks Drama program and STEM workshops from U of T Engineering).  We welcome donations of DVDs.  Please leave your DVDs on the table for others to purchase and enjoy!  Thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts.
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Reminder: Allowances, Chores and Money Skills Workshop

Don’t forget to join us for a Hawthorne / Essex Parenting Workshop hosted by the Parent Education Network!
Allowances, Chores and Money Skills: 
Money management is a key life skill. Come for some great ideas on how to explain earning money, wants versus needs, setting money goals, budgeting and making a savings plan!
Date: Thursday February 22, 2018
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Place: Library on the 2nd floor
Children are also welcome to attend the workshop and there will also be childcare provided in the Library. Light refreshments will be provided.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

See you tonight! School Council Meeting Reminder

Tonight in the school library: come out and meet the school principal, other parents at the school and find out about school and school council initiatives. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Child care available.


Essex PS School Council Meeting
Tuesday February 6, 2018 6:00 pm


Welcome and Introductions

Minutes / Business Arising
Parent Orientation Handbook
Lice checks
Program booking status – Theatrix and BHM

Principal’s Report – Harry J. Quon

Treasurer’s Report

Fundraising Report
Spring Fling

Outdoor Play and Learning Committee Update
OPAL Symposium

Early Reading Club

School Funds
Classroom Funds
Scientists in the Schools
National Aboriginal History Month

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 10, 2018

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Family Adventure Passports 2018

cid:image002.png@01D39A7A.DF16FE30As valued partners of the Model Schools for Inner Cities program we are committed to support your students and families during this transition year.

As such, you will be receiving copies of this year’s Family Adventure Passport this week for distribution to your students and their families in the February report card package.

This passport offers families discounted offers to many area attractions across the GTA! We remind you that these passports are for family distribution.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)