Grade 7&8: Information Night for the Quebec Trip

Grade 7 & 8 Parents: There is an information night for the Quebec Trip on Thursday, January 15th, at 6pm in the Library. The tour company, EduTravel, will have a representative present to answer any questions. It is not too late to sign up for the trip – our goal is to have all students participate in the end of year excursion, which for some students, will highlight the culmination of their time at Essex. You can still sign up for the trip – either online or in person!

For the website:
1. Enter your Trip Code: essexmtl2015
2. Create a New Account
3. Enter Parent/Guardian’s Name (first and last), Email Address, and assign a Password
4. Click on Book Your Ticket
5. Enter Passenger Details: Passenger’s Name, Gender, Date of Birth, and Phone Number
6. Enter Mailing Address: Street Address, City, Postal Code, Country, and Province
7. Enter Parent/Guardian Info: Contact’s Name (first and last), Relationship to Passenger, Phone Number,
Alternate Phone Number, and Email Address
8. Enter Emergency Contact Info: Contact’s Name (first and last), Relationship to Passenger, Phone Number,
Alternate Phone Number, and Email Address
9. Enter Other Details: Passenger’s Allergies, Dietary Restrictions, and Medical Information [Click Next
10. Select Ticket Details: Cancellation Insurance (optional), Health Insurance (optional), and Rooming
Options (quadruple) [Click Next Step]
11. Review the trip pricing and select the deposit(s) you would like to pay
12. Select a payment method: Credit Card or Cheque [Click Proceed to Payment]
13. For Credit Card: Enter valid Credit Card information (Visa or Mastercard) and Billing Address
For Cheque: Print the Cheque Mail Form and mail the form with your cheque to EduTravel. Please make
the cheque payable to EduTravel Inc.
14. Receive Confirmation of Registration via email.

document_icon Download registration instructions here!
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8)