Breim-Khouja family update:

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 

Six months ago, a Syrian family sponsored by our school community arrived in Toronto. The four kids are in school and daycare and everyone is learning English and experiencing their first Canadian winter. While the family is happy to be here – they are worried about their loved ones back home in Syria. This is particularly the case for J, the mother of the family, whose sister, her six kids and her husband are an hour outside of Aleppo. They are desperate to get out. As J explains “There is no school, here is nothing for them. As the kids get older, they will be taken to fight. They need to get out.”

We want to sponsor them. We are putting together a group of five sponsorship to do this. To sponsor such a large family, we will need to
raise approximately $60,000.

Because the federal government has put a cap on the number of Syrian refugees that Canada will welcome in 2017, we will be working with a
Sponsorship Agreement Holder to manage this sponsorship. As a result, it is important for us to get the funds together so that we can move that process forward. If we are unable to sponsor this family, the money will be used to sponsor another family.

In this messed up world, it is difficult to know what to do. This won’t solve the crisis in the Middle East, nor here. But it will make a concrete
difference in the lives of this family.

*To get involved *and help with fundraising and settlement, please contact

*To make a tax deductible charitable donation*, please do one of the following:

1. Mail your cheque directly to st Clare’- …..*please be  sure to specify Syrian refugee sponsorship on the subject line*

St. Clare’s Multifaith Housing Society
138 Pears Avenue – Box 801
Toronto ON
M5R 3K6

2. Donate online by going to Canada Helps and clicking on…/st-clares-multifaith-housing…/
<*please be sure to specify Syrian refugee sponsorship in the comments
section. *

*Once you have made your donation, please send an email to us* at  so that we can following up to ensure that your donation has been directed to the sponsorship fund and is being counted toward our goal.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)