The Essex Parent Council Welcomes You

Welcome back to all returning parents and a warm welcome to new parents at Essex. After a relaxing summer, we are ready to start planning to make this year a great one – and we need your help!

There are many opportunities for parents to get involved in the Essex community, meet new people and contribute toward enhancing the kids’ experience at school. You could:

  • Attend Parent Council meetings – held approximately once a month at around 6:30 pm. Have your voice heard on on-going school issues and plans.
  • Join the Pizza Lunch committee – help facilitate registration and/or come to the school for an hour a few Fridays to help distribute pizza to the kids
  • Join the Fundraising Committee – a group of parents who plan and execute the major fundraising events of the year including Bingo Night, Spring Fling, Garage Sale, etc. Come and share your thoughts & ideas!
  • Join the Health and Wellness Committee, the School Maintenance and Safety Committee, The Garden Committee or the Communications Committee – New members are needed to share their ideas and enthusiasm!
  • Come out and do a volunteer shift at one of our fundraising events like Bingo Night or Spring Fling

The first Parent Council meeting of the year is on Tuesday, September 22 at 6:30pm in the library (second floor). A light dinner/refreshments will be served and all parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Free childcare is available.

If you can’t make it to the meeting, but are interested in getting involved, please contact

The Parent Council raises funds which support technology upgrades for the school, The Kindergarten Outdoor Area,  the Grade 7 & 8 Montreal Trip, The Ski Trip, Scientists in the Classroom (all grades), Lunch Buddies, Lice Checks and many more initiatives which enhance our kids’ experience at Essex. Come and do your part in making sure our kids have the best year ever!

document_icon September 22, 2015 Agenda.
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)