Spring Fling Announcement

While winter continues its mission to keep us cold and bundled, dreaming of spring can bring us warmth! Some of us have already been thinking, planning, and preparing for spring – the Spring Fling to be exact!

Every year Essex and Hawthorne collaborate to create a fun family event called the Spring Fling!
On Friday June 1st we celebrate our school, play carnival games, bounce on inflatables castles, eat together, and have a lot of fun!
This is event is also a fundraiser for our school. Last year we were able to buy two sets of Chrome books for our classrooms…(stay tuned for more information of what the money will be allocated for this year)
An event like this requires lots of planning and we are reaching out to you the caregivers of Essex and Hawthorne students to help us. Below you will find a link to a task sign up list – Have a look and see what task or project is exciting for you – and sign up! Each task will be a small piece of the larger event. Some tasks are to be completed before the event, some will happen on the day of the event — Most will require only a small amount of your time and energy. Together we can show our students what working like a team can really accomplish – a fun day for everyone!!
Here is the link:
(If you would like a paper copy of the task list it will be available in both school offices)
(If you require a translation of the task list one can be provided for you – please inquire at your students school office)
There are MANY exciting things in development for the Spring Fling – Stay tuned for more details!
Thank you in advance for committing to help make this event happen!
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)