Breim-Khouja family update

The Breim-Khouja family are doing well, and continue to settle into life in Toronto.

As mentioned earlier, they are living in an apartment in the Dupont and Lansdowne area. They are preparing for winter, and have many questions about how to manage it.  We have taken the kids for the first time skating and we look forward to tobogganing with them.

Mom Jihan and Dad Ali are taking regular ESL classes everyday, and say that they are really enjoying the lessons. They came knowing very little english, but since arriving have progressed in leaps and bounds.

The family continues to have many medical and dental appointments, as they get caught up with their healthcare. This often involves coordinating translation, so it can be complicated and take some extra time.

Three of the four kids are attending school, each at a different institution: Muhammed Ali (Grade 2), Loreen (ESL/Grade 7), and Farhad
(ESL/Grade 9). They are making good progress with their English language skills and are enjoying their school life. Yousef is too young to be in school, but attends daycare while his parents are at ESL. He is learning English, too!

Aside from simply getting to know the neighborhood and the routines of daily life in Toronto, the family have had some fun experiences with members of the sponsorship group, such as going to the Toronto Islands, going swimming at neighborhood pools,and getting together for a Thanksgiving feast.

The “BKs” have also made connections with other families in Toronto, including other Syrian families.

The Essex-Hawthorne sponsorship group is continuing to support the BKs, through organizational meetings, tutoring, assisting with the coordination of appointments, locating needed items, and more.

If you are interested in helping with this settlement effort, please contact the sponsorship committee at In particular, we are always looking for Arabic or Kurdish translation support. We are also interested in finding someone who could tutor the oldest son. He has attended very little school, so needs both English and general literacy skills.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)