Sept. 22 – Parent Council Meeting, Agenda – 6:30pm

Hello Parents,

The agenda for the upcoming Parent Council Meeting on Thursday at 6:30 is as follows:

  • Welcome and introductions – All
  • Principal’s Report – Harry Quon
  • Treasurer’s Report – Nicole Belcourt & David Wood
  • Communications/Parent Link Committee Report and Planning –  Lynette Bacon
  • Fundraising Committee – Report and Planning  – Jean Hammond & Nicole Belcourt
  • Health and Wellbeing Committee – Report and Planning – Jean Hammond
  • School Maintenance and Safety Committee – TBC
  • Volunteer Engagement planning for next year – All
  • Nominations and Elections for Parent Council Executive & Ward Rep. – All
  • Clusters/Stem programming – Allison Venditti
  • First Lice Check – Lynette Bacon
  • Other Business – All


Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

International Languages – Free Elementary Program

Hi Everyone!

We wanted to ensure that you’re aware of a wonderful instruction program that is available for FREE to students across Ontario.

The International Languages Elementary Program provides  language and culture instruction. In the TDSB, 51 languages are taught in after school and weekend settings.

As of this fall, American Sign Language, the primary language of the culturally Deaf in North America has become available as a language option. This is the first time in Ontario that ASL will be available to elementary school-aged children in its true form-as used in the Deaf community-and will be taught by Deaf instructors.

Three first sites are:

  • Essex Junior and Senior Public School
  • Earl Haig Public School
  • Faywood Arts-based Curriculum School.

At Essex, class is on Wednesdays from 3:30pm to 6pm.

Including ASL as a heritage language  has been a personal “project” for myself, Rosary Kwak and my friend Liz Hysen. I am a hearing mom who has 3 children with hearing loss and Liz grew up as “CODA” (cultural term for Child of Deaf Adult), meaning both her parents are Deaf. Liz was looking for a way for her children to learn the language she grew up with, just as other parents put their own children in Hungarian or Spanish classes.

Feel free to visit our website which we hope acts as a guide to parents across the province who would like to add ASL in their own Boards’ ILE program.

If you are interested in your child learning ASL and about Deaf culture, please sign up! No background knowledge is necessary.

Registration continues throughout the year, so you can join in at any time. Please visit the TDSB website for more information or to register:

Registration is open now.

Thank you and see you in class!

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

URGENT – We’re looking for a Lunchroom Supervisor for our kids

Hello Parents,

Our school is urgently looking for a Lunchroom Supervisor to monitor and guide our kids – this need is immediate. We’re looking for someone who can work with us 5 days per a week, from 11:30-12:45. Our candidate needs to enjoy the company and working with children.

Please refer this posting to anyone you know who may be interested, ask them to contact Leslie via email at

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Curriculum Night will be on Thursday, September 29

Hello Parents,

We will be hosting Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 29, 2016 for both schools.

More information will follow and a flyer will be sent home to the Parent Community.

Thank you,

Harry Quon

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Pizza Lunch Forms – Due Friday Sept. 16 – Updated Form

Hi Parents,

Please find attached the Pizza Lunch Forms. Order forms are due on Friday September 16th with cash or a cheque payable to Essex PS Parent Council (cheques preferred). Forms and payment can be handed in to teachers or placed in the pizza lunch box in the school office. All children in one family can be on the same cheque.

This order form covers half the year from Friday September 23rd until Friday February 10th.  If there is a PA day on the Friday, pizza lunch will be served on the Thursday. The dates of the 10 Pizza Lunches are: Sept. 23, Oct. 6, Oct. 21, Nov. 4, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, Dec. 16, Jan. 13, Jan. 27 and Feb. 10.

If you require subsidy for pizza please contact Harry Quon at j.harry.quon@tdsb.on; or, please fill out a form for each child and put their name and classroom # in the note section on the cheque.

Thank you,

The Parent Council

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

X-Country Running is Back!

The X-Country Running season is back.  The Essex-Hawthorne team will be practicing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday beginning Sept. 12 at 8:00 am on the track.  We encourage all students from grades 1-8 to come and join the team.  It is a great way to start the day.

The meet will be held during the first week of October at Ashbridges Bay. Permission forms and practice schedule will be available at practice next week. -Coaches Jessica Haber and Ana Neves

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

New Family Welcome Reception

Please join us for an informal gathering in the Main Foyer on Thursday September 22 at 6:00pm. The Essex Parent Council, along with Mr. Quon and Ms. Tumangday would like to welcome all new families to Essex. If your child is in Kindergarten, or is a new student to Essex this year in any grade, please come out and meet other members of the Essex community. All parents are welcome to join us for refreshments and helping us to welcome our new families.
A Parent Council meeting in the library will immediately follow this reception and all are encouraged to attend.
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Essex Parent Council Welcomes You

Welcome back to all returning parents and a warm welcome to new parents at Essex. The Essex Parent Council is ready to start planning to make this year a great one – and we need your help!

There are many opportunities for parents to get involved in the Essex community, meet new people and contribute toward enhancing the kids’ experience at school. You could:

  • Attend Parent Council meetings – held approximately once a month at around 6:30 pm. Have your voice heard on on-going school issues and plans.
  • Join Parent Council – we are looking for help with Fundraising, Communications, Health & Wellness Committee and other roles. New members are needed to share their ideas and enthusiasm.
  • Be a Pizza Lunch volunteer – come to the school for an hour a few Fridays to help distribute pizza to the kids.
  • Come out and do a volunteer shift at one of our fundraising events like Bingo Night or Spring Fling

The first Parent Council meeting of the year is on Thursday, September 22 at 6:30 – 8:00pm in the library (second floor). Refreshments will be served and all parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Free childcare is available.

The next two Parent Council Meetings are Wednesday October 19 at 6:30pm and Wednesday November 23 at 6:30pm.
Minutes from previous Parent Council meetings can be found on the school’s website
If you can’t make it to the meeting, but are interested in getting involved, please contact

The Parent Council raises funds which support technology upgrades for the school, The Kindergarten outdoor area,  Scientists in the Classroom, Lunch Buddies, Lice Checks, Yoga in the classroom, Drama in the classroom, Skating and Gym equipment and many more initiatives which enhance our kids’ experience at Essex.

Come and do your part in making sure our kids have the best year ever!

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

IMPORTANT REQUEST – Lunchroom Supervisor

Hello Parents and Kids!

We hope that your first week back into school has been a great one!

We have an important request with which we hope you may be able to help: we are seeking a Lunchroom Supervisor, who is able to start immediately.  The candidate must be available 5 days per a week  from 11:30-12:45. If you know someone who is great with kids, and may be interested, please contact Leslie via email at

Please send this along to anyone who you think might be interested, this is an urgent need for our school.

Thank you!

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Essex Parent Council, 2015-16 Highlights & Accomplishments

Hello Essex Parents,
As the school year draws to a close we would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the accomplishments of our Parent Council this year by sharing with you our Annual Report.
We hope to engage many new parents on the Council next year and look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas on how we can all work together to make Essex a great place for our kids to learn. Parent Council meets approximately 8 times per year and we provide childcare and refreshments at all of our meetings. Please make an effort to come out and see what you can contribute to this great school!
We would also like to say a big Thank You to all parents who volunteered over the course of this year. The Monster Mixer, Dance-a-thon, Pizza Lunches, Bingo Night and Spring Fling could not have happened without the support of the parents who volunteered their time and effort to make these events the great successes that they were.
The date of our September meeting, during which we will nominate our Parent Council Executive, will be announced in the first few days of the new school year. Have a great summer and we’re looking forward to seeing you in September.
If you have any thoughts, suggestions or questions for the Essex Parent Council, please contact:
Jean Hammond
Chair, Essex Parent Council
2015-2016 Essex Parent Council Annual Report
Below are some of the initiatives the Parent Council undertook this year to improve the experience of our children and engage our families and community.
Parent Engagement
Hosted Welcome event for new parents in lieu of curriculum night
Partnered with Hawthorne for Monster Mixer
Book Club for parents 
Successful Application for “Parents Reaching Out” Grant
Most successful Bingo Night ever
Dance-A-Thon for Syrian Refugee Family Sponsorship
Spring Fling
Pizza Lunch
Book Sales
Lunch Buddies Integration program
Buddy Bench installed
Enriching Student Experience
Doubled Teacher Classroom Fund to $200 
Drama workshops in all Kindergarten to Grade 6 classes
2 Scientist in the Classrooms per class
Real Food for Real Kids Lunch Programme
Created Skating opportunities for all all classes including purchasing needed equipment
2 Lice Checks with support for families with recurring challenges
And from our Treasurers, a brief outline of the money we raised and where we spent it.
Financial year in Review
Sept to June 2016
Total Monies Raised 
Donated to Charity 
Classroom Enrichment
Students Clubs and Extra Curricular
Equipment for the School and Students
Total  for Students and School
Total Raised
Cost to Raise
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)