Parent Academy Free Workshops – And Survey

Essex Public School, in part with Model Schools, is proud to be working alongside our Community Service Worker to arrange free parent workshops once again this year.
Our big hits last year were “Home Alone” and “Kids Have Stress Too”.
We are asking all interested to complete this survey to let us know which workshops you would be interested in attending this school year.  Your input will help us to schedule workshops directly of interest to our school community.
Thank you in advance,
Essex Parent Council
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Essex Adult Book Club – 6 pm on Wed. Jan. 25

You have lots of time to read it: The Dolphin Way: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Healthy, Happy and Motivated Kids without Turning into A Tiger by Shimi Kang MD.  Our next meeting will be at 6 pm on Wednesday January 25, just before the Parent Council meeting at 6:30.   

Please note this is a Read What You Can Book Club, so come regardless of what you have managed to read!

There will be two copies of the book at the school library within the next week or two.

If you have any questions, please contact Milisa Burns at


The Health and Well-Being Committee, of the Essex Parent Council

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)


Harvest day will be Wednesday, November 23. You will be able to pick up your produce at school from 2:30 p.m to 6:30 p.m. (And you can come to our next Parent Council meeting right after, if you like)
If you are unable to pick up your veggies and apples that day, please make arrangements for someone to do it for you.
We will not be able to hold on to the produce. Any unclaimed orders will be donated to a local food bank.
If anyone is free to help out on harvest day, we particularly need volunteers between 3 and 6:30 pm but welcome any help.
Thank you!
Essex PS Parent Council
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Essex Book Sale

Hello Parents and Caregivers!

We will be setting up our ever-popular book sale tables in the front lobby for the week of November 14th and we need your help.

Please bring in any books you wish to donate by Friday Nov. 11. They can be left in the donation area in the main lobby. We are especially in need of Children’s books for all ages. If you are available to help set up the sale, please come to the main lobby from 1 – 3 pm on Monday November 14th. Many hands make light work!

Books will be available for sale all week at a cost of $1 per book. Funds raised will go toward supporting important school initiatives such as Scientists in the Classroom.

Thanks for your continued support.
Jean Hammond
Co-Chair, Essex Parent Council

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Remembrance Day Assembly, Friday Nov. 11

Dear Parents/Guardians:

We will be having our Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday, November 11 th. starting at 10:45 a.m.. Each child will be given a poppy to wear. We would appreciate it if your child could bring a small donation. The money collected will be sent to the Royal Canadian Legion.

Please come, if you can make it.

Thank you!

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Update on Syrian Sponsorship Family

Hi Parents and Caregivers!

Winter is fast approaching and we are looking for a few donated items to help the Khouja family enjoy their first Canadian winter.

Jihan, Ali and their children Farhad, Loreen, Mohamad Ali, and Yousef would be so grateful.

Here are some suggested items they are looking for:

  • Women’s winter coat, size large or 12
  • Girl’s boots size 5
  • Boy’s boots size 3
  • Boy’s boots size 13
  • Women’s boots size 8
  • Men’s boots size 9 – 2 pairs
  • Hats, mitts, gloves and scarves for all.
  • Toboggan or sled
  • Skates and helmets

If you have something to donate, please let us know at

Thank you!

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Monster Mixer 2016… What a night!

Thank you to everyone for coming out to our Hallowe’en party last Friday! What a great turn out. Everyone had a blast!

And the potluck offerings were fabulous!

Thank you to teachers and admin. for attending. Big thank you goes to Matt Hawkins aka Warlock Fortune Teller for his very clever and creepy addition to this year’s party!

A special thank you to all the volunteers! And a big shout out to Hawthorne parent Louie aka Nacho Libre for rocking the mic!

If you have any photos you’d like to share, please consider posting them on Instagram

#monstermixer 2016 or email to for display on the Essex Notice Board in the lobby.

Thank you!

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Parent Council Minutes – From October 19

Essex Public School Parent Council
Meeting Minutes – October 19, 2016

Principal’s Report – Harry Quon

  • EQAO results from 2016-2016 school year are now available to the public. Please look on Essex PS TDSB’s website.
    • Grade 3: Reading 75%, Writing 75%, Math 75%
    • Grade 6: Reading 70%, Writing 75%, Math 45%
  • Essex PS has identified a math focus for their school improvement plan going forward
  • Terry Fox Run was a huge success
  • Lock Down and Fire Drills were held at the beginning of the school year – all went well
  • Yoga starts on Oct 20 – 10 classes participating
  • ECO Schools Kick-Off has begun – initiatives for school wide efforts will be announced soon
  • School is asking for a Parent Rep for “Safe, Caring and Accepting Schools Committee” to work with teachers and office throughout the year. Please contact Harry and Leslie in the office if you are interested. School has requested a safety audit from Safe and Caring Schools for recommendations. (Marlon Merraro volunteered)
  • Lunch hour activities have started (Double Treble, choir and chess)
  • Process of planning the Grade 7/8 trip to Montreal has begun. $465 per child, 3 days, 2 nights. Looking into fundraising ideas to help families and offset some of the cost.
  • Grade 4-8 Resilience Survey Parent Letter will be sent home this week to inform parents and the Survey will be taking place in the beginning of November at school. Results will be shared with Essex PS in January.
  • Grade 6 Softball team made it to the Semi-Finals!

Treasurer ReportNicole Belcourt

  • Need to set a meeting to decide on the budget for the year. How will we spend the money raised this year? Meeting TBA
  • Cultural Celebrations Proposal – Marlon Merraro
  • Proposal rooted from parents thinking how to enhance equity issues in our school
  • For example, support National Aboriginal Day and Black History Month in our school
  • Help to show the vibrancy that is within the school through an equity lens
  • Possibilities – books, supporting school display and bulletin boards, events, assemblies, …
  • Will look to possibly work with the Health, Well-Being, and Inclusion Committe

Ward Rep & Model Schools/Parent Engagement CommitteeAllison Venditti

  • We are still looking for a Ward Rep. If any parents are interested please contact the parent council through our email (see below). Role includes attending as many Ward Rep Meetings as possible throughout the year and relaying that information at our Parent Council Meetings.
  • We are also looking for a Model Schools Rep. Marlon Merraro volunteered.

CommunicationsLynette Bacon

  • Most classes now have a Parent Rep Link.
    • If you have not yet received an introductory email from your class’ Parent Rep, please contact your child’s teacher to inquire who is your Parent Rep and pass on your email to be included on their communication distribution list.
  • Parent Reps have created a class distribution list (based on those who indicated approval on their September permission forms) and will forward messages from parent council throughout the year.

Fundraising CommitteeJean Hammond and Nicole Belcourt

  • Pizza lunch is well underway and going great. Thank you for your support.
  • Volunteers are still needed to help distribute pizza on Pizza Days. If you can volunteer 45 minutes on one of our Pizza Days please email Essex Parent Council of your availability.
  • Essex PS Clothing coming soon!

Monster Mixer PotluckFriday, October 28 5:30pm – 7:30 pm

  • Essex and Hawthorne community event
  • Potluck dinner, costume party, DJ and prizes for kids
  • Please ensure to label all ingredients for your dish, in consideration of those with dietary restrictions and allergies
  • Volunteers needed to help set-up, monitor, and clean-up. Please email Essex Parent Council if you can help out in any way.

Fresh From the Farm FundraiserNicole Belcourt

  • 34 students put an order in – thank you to all of our parents for your support!
  • $460 profit for our school
  • We are still waiting to finalize the delivery date. Details about where and when to pick up your veggies and apples will be sent home soon with participating students.

Gardening Committee Jessica Haber

  • Received funds from Evergreen Foundation 2 years ago– transformed front Kindergarten yard
  • We still have money left over – discussing outdoor seating throughout school yard
  • Looking for parents who want to join this committee along with teachers – please contact Ms. Haber if you are interested.

Health and Well-Being CommitteeMilisa Burns

  • First book club meeting for “The Optimistic Child” was held this evening. Great discussion! Thank you to those who came out.
  • Our new ‘Parent Book Club’ book will be “The Dolphin Way” by Shimi K. Kang, M.D. The next Book Club (all are welcome) will meet January 25, 2017. Start reading with a friend …

Note: Our upcoming Parent Council Meetings: Wednesday, Nov. 23 @ 6:30pm & Wednesday, Jan. 25 @ 6:30pm
Volunteers Needed
Do you have a little bit of time to volunteer? Please email Currently, we need help with Pizza Lunch, help set up and clean up our Monster Mixer, and help handing out our Fresh From the Farm veggies/fruit.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Reminder for Hallow’een Costumes

Hello Parents and Caregivers,

Halloween is fast approaching!  There is excitement from students for the various festivities that will take place.  Essex & Hawthorne are diverse and vibrant school communities; and , as we prepare for the Halloween festivities, we would ask students to wear non-violent and culturally-sensitive costumes for Halloween.

Thank you for your support!

Harry Quon

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Monster Mixer – Join Us For Scary Good Time, Fri. 10/28, 5:30

Hello Parents and Caregivers!

It’s Halloween Time,
We’re having a bash,
Time for a good costume
And our school’s Monster Mixer

It’s a party and a potluck
We hope you will come
All the monsters will be hungry
So bring something to share!

We hope that you’ll join us in the gym on Friday night for the Essex and Hawthorne Monster Mixer. It’s this Friday October 28 , 5:30-7:30 in the gym.

There will be a DJ, there will be dancing, there will be loads of fun for all!

See you there!


Monster Mash Essex PS


Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)