Spirit Wear – Viewing Times and Order Form

Get your Essex gear. The new spirit wear products are now available!

Samples of the products and sizes can be viewed this week, times are 8:30 -9:15 and 3:15-3:45 in front of office in the a.m. and after school under the overhang if it’s nice weather.

Please submit order forms by Friday of this week, if possible (April 27).

Below is the order form with colour photos, and the form now includes adult sweatpants. Extra forms are also available in the school office.

Order Form Side 1 PR
Order Form Side 2 PR
Order Form Grad PR



Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Reminder: Mindfulness Workshop for Parents April 19

Mindfulness workshop is coming up on April 19.

On April 19, the Hawthorne School Council meeting will begin as usual at 6:30 pm. The business of Council will be covered from 6:30 – 7:00. At 7:00, Sue Hutton will lead a workshop on mindful parenting!!!!

Parents from Hawthorne and Essex are welcome to join for a mindfulness program specifically designed for parents. Come learn about the research behind it and experience some of the techniques to bring mindfulness into your busy parenting life and increase wellbeing for you and your children.

Sue Hutton – Mindfulness Bio Sept 2017

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Math Night – Tonight!

This is a friendly reminder that FAMILY MATH NIGHT is on Tuesday April 17th!

Come join us for a fun evening– learn strategies to teach math at home, enjoy some free pizza and participate in math games with your child.

5:00pm- Introduction by TDSB Learning Coaches in the school gym.
5:15-6:00pm – breakout sessions in designated classrooms (Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, and Intermediate) about ways to help your children with math at home.
6:00pm –  Come back to the gym for pizza!
6:00- 7:15 pm – mix and mingle while your children play mathematical games with the Mathematical Jester, Sunil Singh, in the gym
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Essex PS School Council Meeting – Minutes

Essex PS School Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday April 10, 2018 6:00 pm

Business Arising

    Parent Orientation Handbook

Melissa is working on it.  Suggestion to start a google doc that we can contribute to.  Narrative approach- hear from parents. Highlight fundraisers, recent grants/achievements and programs, and let parents know how they can get involved and make these things happen.  Make google doc accessible to staff so they can add in the clubs they are running. A friend who is a documentary photographer is going to come take some stock photos of the school. We will also create an intro page to parent handbook from school letting parents know how many forms there are and a checklist to go with it.

    Lice checks

Very successful with Public Health and it is free.  We will book 3 dates for next year at our first parent council meeting in the fall.

    Program booking status – Theatrix, Scientist in the Schools

Most classes have signed up for Theatrix.  Teachers are beginning to sign up for SIS workshops and some classes have ordered butterfly kits.

Snack Program

$1200 anonymous donation to pay for snack program for the rest of the year! Thank you

Lunchroom Supervisors

Suggestion to write to superintendent and trustee and/or MPP about increasing funding for lunchroom supervisors

Air conditioning

Also suggestion to write letters about cooling station/air conditioning in the library to make sure it is in place in June.

Spirit Wear

35 orders in so far

Want to order some extra gear so we can show off the gear and let people see it and see the sizes

Will send out an email through parent link and have three days when people can come in to see the sizes and order

Two additional t-shirts:

Cape t-shirt with funds going toward spec ed.

Essex/Hawthorne band t-shirts toward co-school funding

    PRO Grant – 2017 and 2018

We have $1000 to spend

Looking at social media workshops for the kids during the day and a parent evening; however daytime workshops are booked up but we can plan an evening for kids and parents.  An evening workshop would be $600. May use grant towards this next year. This year we will put money toward math night. We could sponsor pizza and print “How to do math at home” booklets to send home.  Deb will touch base with Leslie.


Principal’s Report – Harry J. Quon



Allocation of  262 student enrollment

Staffing allocation is 19.00 which is up from last year 18.5

Lost 0.5 resource support – based on:  students being supported in CBRM – Resource and HSP), a measure of LOI and students returning to their home schools as a result of the Inclusion Strategy.

Limited model given the staffing and projected student enrolment

An additional Grade 7/8 HR for next year – class numbers are large

Support Staffing – lost 0.5 Office staff for next year;

Blinds ordered

No time line to the installment of blinds

Replacement windows and doors

Schedule – has changed from the original

No update with dates


Eco-School  initiative

Essex & Hawthorne Nature Study Area planting in partnership with the City of Toronto

Meeting on February 27th with Justin Nadeau , staff and city


Upcoming  events:

April 6th – Staffing Models due to Superintendent Gallagher

April 10th – Staffing Model to be approved on by Superintendent Gallagher

April 11th – Grad Photo retakes in Library in the a.m.

April 17th Family Math Night – please see email sent by Leslie in participating in this evening; flyer to be sent home and RSVP required to order food

May 4th – Wellness Day – please see inform sent by Leslie

May 23rd – May 28th – EQAO administration dates (tentative)

June 7th –  Election Canada

Treasurer’s Report

Debbie will be taking over role of Treasurer for remainder of year

Melissa will come on to have a second person with signing authority

Fundraising Report

    Spring Fling Planning Update

Square for using credit cards at Spring Fling (We will have 2 available)

    Fundraising goals: Playground improvement, 3rd floor organizing, playground equipment, picnic tables for grade ⅞,

Outdoor Play and Learning Committee Update

OPAL Symposium

We are planning to sign up to be an OPAL school

Application is due May 4th

Working with a parent from Hawthorne council

We have a few parents who have offered to be on lead team

Garden Clean-up Day

Date TBA one Saturday in May

Will advertise to families to come help clean up garden and deliver compost to all the beds

Perhaps signage painting for pollinator garden, native garden, vegetable garden etc.

Naturalizing playground area

Working with City of Toronto, TDSB Sustainability office and students to plant an area between daycare playground and junior playscape

Planting day will be on May 24th

We have a $15, 000 grant to go toward this area thanks to Evergreen and the Portlands.  This money will go toward protective fencing, log bench seating, signage and outdoor inquiry kits

Early Reading Club Update

Currently no volunteers.  Jessica will work to get it up and running for Sept. 2018

School Funds

Classroom Funds – extra $400 approved for buses for the DD classes

Idea to let teachers know that parent council has some $ for a field trip fund and teachers should approach parent council if they have a trip they want money for.

Potential to have a fundraiser next year or at spring fling specifically for a field trip fund for families who cannot afford trips.  Maybe look at raising money at Monster Mixer next year as it is at beginning of the year.

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 5, 2018 6 p.m.

Updated: May 5, 2018

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Fewer Power Struggles, More Peace Parenting Workshop

Join us for a Hawthorne / Essex Parenting Workshop hosted by the Parent Education Network!
Fewer Power Struggles, More Peace: Power struggles between you and your child can happen at any age and over anything. Learn how to spend more time getting along and less time struggling (special attention paid to bedtime, morning, mealtimes and sibling rivalry).
Date: May 24, 2018
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Place: Library on the 2nd floor
Children are also welcome to attend the workshop and there will also be childcare provided in the Library. Light refreshments will be provided.
See you there!
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Earth Week Assembly

On Thursday April 19th at 9:00 am the Eco-team is hosting an Earth Week Assembly for both schools from grades K-8.  At this assembly we will be announcing exciting plans to naturalize a portion our school yard this spring.
Thanks to the City of Toronto and a grant from Evergreen and the Portlands, Essex and Hawthorne are able to create a new nature study area that will increase Toronto’s tree canopy and our ability to engage in outdoor inquiry and play.
The plans include 200 new shrubs and trees, log benches, a mulch pathway, picnic benches, a community notice board, protective post fencing and entrance ways. Construction will begin next month with a community planting day planned for May 24th!
We invite all parents in our school community to join us for this exciting announcement on Thursday morning. Hope to see you there!
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Reminder: International Day of Pink, April 11th

Our school will celebrate International Day of Pink on April 11th. The students will participate in meaningful and fun activities which encourage thoughtful contemplation of all the various ways that people can be bullied. We will explore the origin if the day, how gender stereotypes affect us all, and to speak up when we hear name-calling or discrimination. Students will be encouraged to wear pink t-shirts, clothing or accessories to show their support.

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Tonight! Essex School Council Meeting

Please join us tonight for our spring Essex School Council meeting. Find out what is happening at your school, meet other parents and get involved. New and returning parents and guardians are welcome.


See you at 6 p.m. in the school library on the 2nd floor!

– Debbie, School Council Chair

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Parents as Partners Conference 2018

Registration is still open for the Parents as Partners Conference!

The Parents as Partners Conference 2018 is on Saturday, April 28 and all parents are welcome! 

This free conference – planned by parents, for parents – includes a variety of workshops and resources that will help any parent support their child in their achievement and well-being at school and at home.

Please inform parents and families about this exciting and valuable opportunity. Registration closes on April 16!

Transportation, childcare, food and translators are all provided. Register now at parentsaspartners.ca


Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Khalsa Day Parade – April 29, 2018

Sikh Heritage Month is recognized at the TDSB during the month of April.  

The Sikh Heritage Committee is extending an invitation to all TDSB staff, and its community, to join us by participating in the Khalsa Day Parade scheduled to take place on Sunday, April 29th 2018!     This parade celebrates the Sikh New Year and the establishment of the Sikh community in 1699.  Interested individuals are asked to come to the CNE grounds by 1:00 pm and gather at the TDSB Sikh Heritage booth.   Everyone is asked to join the walk as a TDSB group and is asked to wear casual clothing consisting of a blue T-Shirt (or a blue item) and covered head.


Khalsa Day Parade  

29 April 2018

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Walk will begin at 1:00 pm starting from CNE grounds and head towards Toronto City Hall – Nathan Phillips Square where the parade will end.  

Principals are asked to share this with their School Council members and school community network. 

Should additional information be required, please  contact Gurjeet Kahlon, Vice-Principal,gurjeet.kahlon@tdsb.on.ca or 647-746-4243



Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)