Important Hot Lunch Program Update

Dear Essex and Hawthorne Community,

As you know, we were beginning the process of initiating a new healthy hot lunch program for both schools. In May of 2014, we had worked with the Nutrition Services department to create a healthy menu that would rotate every few weeks. Due to the overwhelming registration to the program, we have realized that our facility is not equipped to handle the high demand.

Initially we had anticipated 25 students, however more than 50 have registered and unfortunately our kitchen is not suited to provide that quantity and quality of food in such a short time. As well, staffing the program with just one person proved too much of a challenge.

As a result, we will be postponing the lunch program for the near future and begin the process of sourcing out other options which will be discussed at our future school council meetings. All payments will be fully returned.

Please feel free to contact myself or Ms. Patterson if you have any questions.


Jim Stathopoulos Natalie Patterson
Principal Vice Principal
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)