Grade 8 Transition Newsletter

We are in the midst of high school planning and over the next couple of months; students will be required to make some important choices for grade 9. This is a very exciting and important time for our grade 8 students. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep you informed of some of the procedures and important deadlines for course selections.

Grade 9 Course Selections
We will begin course selections the week of Jan 20th 2015. This year, students attending their home high schools will complete two course selection sheets; one on the MyBlueprint website and an identical hard copy version. High schools are requesting both versions to ensure all students have selected courses online accurately and also to make room for teacher recommendations. It is important they are comfortable using this tool. It is strongly recommended students log in to this website at home and further explore the high school planner with their families to ensure they are prepared to make final decisions for grade 9 within the next few weeks. All grade 8 students have already created accounts on My Blueprint and worked through several aspects of the program including the high school planner. Students can log in from home at with their username and password (password should be student number). Time will be given in class for students to select courses online.

Parents/ guardians are expected to verify and sign both versions of the course selection sheets and return them to school by the week of February 23rd.

Important Dates

  • Week of January 14th – Elementary schools will be notified of which high schools are open for Optional Attendance. (Optional Attendance Forms are available at the school office)
  • January 30th – Optional Attendance forms are due to high schools (delivered by parents/guardians).
  • Week of February 13th –Students are informed of their acceptance to Specialized Programs and Optional Attendance schools.
  • Week of February 15th- 20th Complete course selection sheets on MyBlueprint and Submit
  • Week of February 23rdBoth completed course selections (printed MyBlueprint and paper copy) are verified and signed by parents/guardians and returned to classroom teachers.
  • February 26th and 27th – All course selection sheets are delivered to high schools by Mrs. Lambers.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding course selections or any of the information above, please contact me at

Thank you,
Tracie Lambers
WR 9 Elementary Itinerant Guidance Counsellor

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8)