Food Drive and Eco Star

1) Food Drive: We are building a ‘Community Wall’ in the front foyer as a way to motivate students to donate to the Daily Bread Foodbank.  For every 5 items donated per class, that class will receive a brick in the wall.  The class with the most bricks by the Holidays will win a pizza party that should take place sometime in the new year.  On Tuesday morning, we’ll send student council members to collect the food and award your class with your bricks which they will place on the community wall with your room number. 

2) ECO STAR: Once a week at random, a student council representative (who is liaising with the ECO Club) will drop in to the lunch room and take note of who has LITTERLESS lunches.  Students who regularly have litterless lunches will be recognized at our next assembly.

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)