Essex Parent Council Meeting Notes, 11.23.16

Essex Parent Council Meeting Notes – Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Principal’s Report

  • Library Inventory Completed: 2,400 books are missing!  Please check your homes for outstanding school library books.  Our school now has a three-year goal to build up our school library.  Looking to include more diversity into our collection (e.g., aboriginal, inclusivity, etc.) and to apply for Indigo Love of Reading Grant to help purchase more texts.
  • A Digital Learning and Technology Committee has been created: Their goal for the end of this school year is to ensure that the school is fully wireless ($12,000 to complete this – looking for funds from both Hawthorne and Essex Parent Councils) and purchasing a class set of Chromebooks for our junior/intermediate students.
  • School Safety Audit: School continues to wait for completion.  Info to be shared when available.
  • School Staff have begun their Professional Learning through Inquiry, focusing on: “Enhance student achievement and engagement by creating an environment where there is equity of access and a sense of belonging for all of our students.
  • “PALS” (Playground Activity Leaders): Began this Monday, November 28, 2016.  Several junior students have been trained how to play/teach various primary recess games.  They will wear coloured pinnies during recess and help to initiate play with the younger students.  This is a wonderful program for all ages; increase physical activity for all, fosters inclusivity, and peer mentoring for our older students.
  • Peer Leaders Program continue this school year: Students from Harbord come over to Essex to work with the students in Grades 7-8.   Our Grades 7-8’s then go on a tour of Harbord to see classes/school.  This program helps ease the transition to high school for our older students.

Treasurer’s Update

  • “Fresh From the Farm Fundraiser” raised about $500 for our school. Thank you to all who participated.
  • Funds this year have been earmarked for: 1 Scientists in the School Program for each classroom, 2 Artists in the School Programs for each classroom, Grade 7/8 trip, teacher classroom materials funds, Glee Club, Grade 8 Graduation, skating equipment, Lunar New Year Celebration, Lunch Buddies, 2 Lice Screenings (and anything else that arises over the year – such as funds for ensuring the school is wireless).

Consent Seminar

  • Parents raised concern about issues in the Kindergarten and Grade 1 playground (kissing, “girlfriend”/”boyfriend”) around healthy relationships. Discussions emerged around how to address this; School and Parent Council will look into workshops geared for younger children around healthy relationships at school, look to school social worker to work in the classrooms.

Essex Spirit Wear is Here!

  • Please look for order forms coming out next week. There is a very short order time, likely one week, to hopefully ensure clothing can get home before the holidays.  Gift ideas?

Upcoming Parent Council Events

  • “Monkey Bunch Concert”, in partnership with Hawthorne, on January 31, 2017. Free live music performance in the gym.  Pizza and snacks will be on sale for the event.
  • Annual Bingo Night on February 24, 2017. Come out for a great night of bingo, friends, and wonderful community prizes.

Upcoming Parent Council Meetings

  • January 25, 2017: Book Club (The Dolphin Way) at 6pm, Parent Council at 6:30pm
  • February 21, 2017 at 6:30pm
  • April 27, 2017 at 6:30pm
  • May 24, 2017 at 6:30pm
  • June 22, 2017 at 6:30pm
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)