Essex Parent Council Meeting Agenda for This Weds. March 30th

Essex Parent Council Meeting
Wed. Mar. 30, 2016 6:30 pm


  • Welcome and introductions – All
  • Principal’s Report – Jim Stathopoulos
  • Syrian Refugee Family Update – Oona On Pendrith
  • Treasurer’s Report – Nicole Belcourt & David Wood
  • Fundraising Committee: Spring Fling Update (Sponsorship), Dance-a-thon update, Springo Bingo Call for Volunteers (Books, Baked Good, Event Volunteers) – Samarra Khaja
  • Health and Wellbeing Committee: Lunch Buddies report, Buddy Bench Update, Book Club Update – Milisa Burns
  • Parents Reaching Out Grant – Allison Venditti
  • Parent Council Planning for Next Year – All
  • Other Business – All

Upcoming Parent Council Meetings:
Monday May 9 (Changed from Tuesday May 10) and June 22

Springo Bingo Fundraiser
Friday April 22

Spring Fling
Friday June 3

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)