Character Trait SUPERHERO Day!

Character Trait SUPERHERO Day

Students will be encouraged to create and design their own superhero costume and wear it to school on Fri. Mar. 21 (the same day as the assembly). The catch: Each student’s superhero costume should be based on one of the character traits for either January, February, or March (Teamwork, Fairness, and Honesty). For example, one of our Student Council members will be dressing up as Honesty Ninja. The goal is to have a gym full of Character Trait Superheroes. Perhaps kids can be encouraged to share the idea behind their superhero costume in class. Student Council members will be coming to classes the Monday following the break to explain this to classes.



Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)