Central Technical School Grade 5-8 Open House

Hello all and greetings from Central Tech!

A sincere thank you to all schools that have sent classes to our Grade 8 Open House Tours. We enjoyed having all of your students as guests and we hope that they all enjoyed their time here at Tech.

This is a reminder of our Grade 5-8 Family Night Open House, Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014.

There is an advertisement attached to this email that can be printed and distributed and the info is also up on our website at:

Please distribute this information to your families – we hope to see many students and parents for this event.

Tech is a school for all – whether your destination pathway is University, Apprenticeship, College or the Workplace – we have the programming to get you ready for the future!

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6)