
Reminder: Friday Dec 5th is a PA Day

There will be no school on Friday December 5th, 2014. It’s a PA Day. Thanks.

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

School Council Meeting this Wednesday Nov 26

Hello everyone, Please join us for the November School Council meeting in the library on Wednesday Nov. 26 at 6:30PM. Childcare is available. Agenda below. ESSEX SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING DATE:  Wednesday November 26, 2014 TIME:  6:30 – 8:00 WHERE:  Library Agenda Welcome and introductions Review/approval of minutes Principals report Treasures report Fundraising report

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Central Technical School Grade 5-8 Open House

Hello all and greetings from Central Tech! A sincere thank you to all schools that have sent classes to our Grade 8 Open House Tours. We enjoyed having all of your students as guests and we hope that they all enjoyed their time here at Tech. This is a reminder

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6)

SchoolConnects Safe Arrival Program

Dear Parents/Guardians: One measure of keeping students safe is ensuring students have safely arrived at school.   It is important that if your child is going to be absent or late for any reason, you contact the office immediately and report the reason for the absence. The best number to call

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Volunteers still needed for Bingo Night!

Hello Essex parents, Bingo Night is this Friday, Nov. 21 from 6-8pm. We only need a few more people to volunteer to make the night happen. Helpers needed to sell bingo cards, pizza and bake sale items. Shifts are only an hour long — so you’ll still have time to

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Food Drive and Eco Star

1) Food Drive: We are building a ‘Community Wall’ in the front foyer as a way to motivate students to donate to the Daily Bread Foodbank.  For every 5 items donated per class, that class will receive a brick in the wall.  The class with the most bricks by the

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Peace Movie

Our new teacher Mrs. Pirotsky and her students in Grade 3 created this video for our Remembrance Day Assembly. This video is dedicated to the brave people who help bring peace to the world.

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Bingo Night: Volunteers Needed!

Hi everyone, We are looking for volunteers to bring baked goods to sell and to help us run Bingo Night. If you can help bake, please click the yellow bake sale button. If you can help us run the show, please click the pink volunteer button. For more information, contact Samarra.

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)


And the winners of the gift card draw are…*drum roll* Lynette Bacon and Karen Ridgley Congratulations!! You can pick up your prize (gift card) from Nancy in the Main Office. Thank you everyone for signing up and please encourage those who haven’t to sign up too!

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)

Community Potluck Dinner Dec. 4th

Essex School Council is hosting a multi-cultural community potluck dinner to celebrate the new year. We hope that you can join us for this evening filled with entertainment, music and prizes! We will also be discussing some new exciting community opportunities, so bring your family and your favourite dish to

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)