April’s Earth Week Activities (April 22-25)

Just a quick update on April’s Earth Week activities. It’s the week of April 22nd- 25th.

  1. We are having a poetry festival. As a class activity or individually, students can submit original poetry inspired by the Earth. Copies will be posted in the Peace lounge and around the school and maybe even read on the announcements.
  2. Decorate your door for Earth Day! Decorate your door with found and recycled materials and a message about loving and being responsible for our Earth! Listen for announcements. Judging will happen April 30th.
  3. On April 25th, we will be participating in the Community Clean Up. More details to follow. Talk to your child’s teacher if you’re able to help out.
  4. April 25th, Dress for the Earth. Students are encouraged to wear green or dress as something representing nature or the Earth. Last year we had butterflies, squirrels, mother nature and lots of t-shirts with eco logos.
  5. The 2nd Annual Eco Film Festival.  April 22-25th. A list of films and times will be posted shortly.
  6. The Spring Waste Audit will be the morning of April 24.  Classes will be dropping by to see if we do better at sorting our waste than we did in November. We will also learn about where our waste and recycling goes after it gets picked up at the curb.
  7. Planting seedlings for the garden. Classes are beginning to plant seeds in the class for replanting in our school garden.
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)