Welcome Back to Essex!

It’s hard to believe the summer has come and gone and here we are gain making lunches and walking through out neighbourhoods on our way to school each morning.
On behalf of the Parent Council I wanted to say welcome back to another school year.
We invite you to connect with us and supporting our students by joining the School Council community. There are many ways to participate from small one time tasks to supporting programs.
Come to our first meeting and find out more.
October 2nd @ 6pm Library @ Essex
If this is your first year at Essex make sure you sign up for our important announcements.
Email us at essexparentcouncil@gmail.com with your questions or ideas! And please feel free to say hello to me or any other parent council member when you see us around the school – We would be happy to field your questions, connect with you, and get to know you!
Here’s to another great year!
Melissa Graham Burke
2018-2019 Parent Council Chair
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)