Essex Parent Council Meeting-Tues. Apr. 25

Essex Parent Council Meeting, Tues. Apr. 25, 2017 6:30 pm


  • Welcome and introductions – All
  • Principal’s Report – Harry Quon
  • Treasurer’s Report – Nicole Belcourt & David Wood
  • Fundraising Committee Work & Update – Bingo Night Report, Spring Fling Planning & Fundraising Goal – Jean Hammond/Nicole Belcourt
  • Syrian Family Fund Donation – All
  • Equity Committee Update – Black History Month and International Women’s Day Report – Marlon Merraro
  • Evergreen Grant Project – Jessica Haber
  • Parent Council Planning for next year – All
  • Other Business – All

Important Dates:

  • Math Night – Thurs. April 27th 5:30 – 7:30
  • Screenagers Screening – TBC
  • Spring Fling – Friday, June 2 (Time TBC)

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Parent Council
    • May 24, 2017 at 6:30pm
    • June 22, 2017 at 6:30pm

Spring Fling Planning

  • Fri. May 5, 1:30 – 2:30pm
  • Fri. May 19, 1:30 – 2:30pm
  • Wed. May 31, 1:30 – 2:30pm

 Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Math Night April 27 5:30- 7:30 contact Adrienne Garner-Pringle at
  • Communications/Parent Link Rep
  • Parent Council Secretary
  • Parent Council Co-Chairs (PRO Grant due May 25th)
  • Pizza lunch volunteers and coordinator
  • Fundraising Committee Chair
  • Spring Fling Event Volunteers
  • Gardening Committee
  • Caring & Safe Schools Committee
  • Ward Representatives

If you are interested, please email or sign up on the board outside the main office.

Items Needed:

  • Skates in larger, adult sizes (6+, men’s or women’s)
  • Books for the book sale – Kids books and DVDs especially needed
  • Baked Goods for spring fling bake sale
Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)