Friday’s Fire Alarm

Dear Parents and Caregiver,

This is to inform you that there was a fire alarm that was set off in the Fan Room on the 2nd floor at Lunch on Friday, March 24. The alarm took place at 11:50 and the staff, students and parents moved quickly to exit the building.

The fire department arrived and did a check of the Fan Room and found nothing. Staff, students, and parents return inside the building promptly.

The fire alarm went off a second time; and, again, the staff, students, and parents exited the building quickly. Lunch resume afterward.

TDSB facilities have been contacted as to determine the cause of the fire alarm.

Thank you to staff, students and parents for their quick response to the alarm.

J. H. Quon, Principal

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)