Essex Book Sale

Hello Parents and Caregivers!

We will be setting up our ever-popular book sale tables in the front lobby for the week of November 14th and we need your help.

Please bring in any books you wish to donate by Friday Nov. 11. They can be left in the donation area in the main lobby. We are especially in need of Children’s books for all ages. If you are available to help set up the sale, please come to the main lobby from 1 – 3 pm on Monday November 14th. Many hands make light work!

Books will be available for sale all week at a cost of $1 per book. Funds raised will go toward supporting important school initiatives such as Scientists in the Classroom.

Thanks for your continued support.
Jean Hammond
Co-Chair, Essex Parent Council

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)