FRESH from FARM FUNDRAISER comes to Essex PS! 


The Essex PS Parent Council is thrilled to announce an amazing new fundraiser called FRESH FROM FARM FUNDRAISER (FFFF)!

It will replace QSP.  It is a quick, easy fundraiser that would happen every November.

FFFF offers farm fresh Ontario grown produce for a great price. Our school community values healthy living, sustainability, and outdoor education, making FFFF a great fit for us!

Families will order fall harvest produce fresh from Ontario farms via order forms/brochures distributed by teachers beginning this week. Please look out for forms in your children’s backpacks.

The forms are extremely simple and user friendly. This year we are focusing on sales within our school community/family (including relatives) in order to keep the pick-up day low key and manageable.

Families are responsible for picking up their own produce on harvest day, which will be a super fun experience for the whole family to take part in!

Please return forms ASAP as we have volunteers ready to start inputting the orders NO LATER than Thursday Oct 13th: 

  • Please make cheques payable to: Essex PS Parent Council 
  • Harvest pick up day will take place in the main foyer in mid- November (date TBD)
  • The harvest pick up is a one-time yearly event.
  • This is a school wide event. We will share the harvest pick up day and location with Hawthorne school

We are hopeful that this will be a fun way for our community to raise funds while investing in something they actually need and want; healthy fresh food!!

We will be looking for volunteers to help manage and input orders, separate and bag orders, and distribute orders on harvest day

Please contact Nicole by email if you are interested in volunteering your time or with any questions or concerns you may have

Read all about FRESH from FARM FUNDRAISER below:

Thanks and Happy Fall Harvest!

Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)