Update on Syrian Sponsorship

Hello new and returning families!

Last year the Essex and Hawthorne Communities worked together to sponsor a Syrian family.  The Breim/Khouja’s, a family of 6, arrived in Toronto on June 20.  Over the summer, they have been busy settling in.  They have moved into their apartment, and the three eldest children started school in September.  The youngest is in daycare while his parents attend ESL.  They have made a number of friends and are quite social.  The children are looking forward to experiencing winter and trying out skating and tobogganing.

We are looking for a few donated items.  With such a large family and the cost of Laundromats, they would really benefit from a full sized  washing machine.  They also need a couch.  The apartment has stairs and a narrow hallway, so it can’t be too big or bulky.  Finally, if someone has a working laptop, it would be a great help to the eldest son and his school work.  Please email  hawthorne2sponsorship@gmail.com if you have anything to donate.

Thank you!


Posted in Announcements, Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)