Backpacks for Malawi

Essex P.S. and Hawthorne are pleased to announce that they will be collecting used and new backpacks for an initiative for Dignitias International called “Backpacks for Malawi”.

Many children in Malawi who are living with HIV/AIDS have very little money and deal with a lot of discrimination regarding their disease. The folks at Dignitas need a variety of backpacks so the children can carry their books and medicine to school safely and privately. They often lose their medicine due to attempts to hide it in bushes outside the school so the other kids can’t see. It is important that these bags look unique (so the kids aren’t all carrying the same “medicine bag”), and this is why we are reaching out to you for donations of real bags.

There will be a donation box set up at your school from Tuesday, October 6th until Friday, Oct. 9.The backpacks can be big or small, used or new, for kids or adults. Before donating them, please give them a quick shake to make sure they are empty.

Let’s show the children of Malawi how much we care. If you have any questions, please contact Alice Kent

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)