Grade 8 Graduation – Parent Help WANTED!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Intermediate Team here at Essex is well into planning Graduation (yes, believe it or not, we are already planning for your child’s grad!).  We came up with a lot of terrific new ideas, revisited some that we have done in the past, and we would love to hear from you. 

We reached out before in February but we are sending out the ask again – with your help, we would like to create a parent committee, specifically dedicated to the graduation’s execution. Parents would work alongside each other, with input from the teachers, to make the Class of 2015’s graduation a huge success.  This is your chance to have a say and help make it run smoothly and create cherished memories for our Grade Eight students.  After all, it’s a huge year for this terrific bunch of kids!

To start the ball rolling, we are asking that any Grade 7 or 8 parents/guardians that are interested in helping out in ANY way, to email Sarah Cervinka ( or Katharine da Costa ( by Monday, May 4th. As the saying goes, “Many hands, make little work” and we need as many as possible to help out.   We are asking for email addresses so that communication is made easier and more convenient for all.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

The Essex Intermediate Team

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)