Essex Parent Council Meeting This Thurs. March 5

Come and join other Essex parents as we meet to discuss issues important to our school community.

Thursday March 5, 2015
Essex Library, 2nd Floor

Everyone is welcome! Our agenda is below.

Snacks will be served and childcare is provided.


Welcome and introductions – All

Review/Approval of Minutes – All

Principal’s Report – Jim Stathopoulos

Treasurer’s Report – Samarra Khaja and Nicole Belcourt

Fundraising Report – Garage Sale and Spring Fling Planning – Samarra Khaja

Communication Committee Report – Sue Hutton

Health and Wellbeing Committee Update – Milisa Burns

School Statement of Need Approval of Draft – Jean Hammond

Ward Rep Update

Other Business – All

Confirm and Set Next Meeting Date – All

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)