Hat and Mitten Tree

December 3, 2014

Dear Parents and Guardians,

During the final two weeks of school before the holidays, we will be putting up our Hat and Mitten Tree in the lobby of the school. Instead of putting ornaments on the tree, students will be encouraged to bring in new hats and mittens to place on the branches. On the final day before the holidays, the hats and mittens will be delivered to students in needier schools in the city.

Also, please continue to bring in items for the Daily Bread Food Bank. So far we have been able to fill 3 large boxes of non-perishable food items. The items will be picked up during the final week of school.

Thanks for your support during the holiday season.


Jim Stathopoulos Natalie Patterson
Principal Vice Principal
Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)