A Message from Guidance for Grade 8

As the Choices for Nine information evenings are wrapping up, secondary schools will be holding information sessions for grade 8 students and their parents. These will be taking place from late October to mid January. Over the next couple of weeks all students will receive Choices for Nine brochures. We strongly encourage you to review the valuable information about the high school process, and to attend the open houses at the secondary schools.

For a complete list please go to:


Key information and important dates:


  • Students may apply to a maximum of two (2) Regular Schools and two (2) Specialized Programs/Schools
  • A separate Optional Attendance Form/Application must be submitted to each school/program.
  • Priority of placement in the requested school will be based on a lottery if applications exceed the space available at the requested school.


  • January 30, 2015 – Optional Attendance applications due to secondary schools

The optional attendance form must be signed by the elementary counsellor prior to submission.

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to deliver this application to the school or schools of choice. A lottery, if necessary, will be held the first week in February 2015

  • February 13, 2015 – Final date for Secondary Schools to inform Optional Attendance applicants of acceptance
  • January to February 2015 – Course Selection Sheets completed by students and parents with assistance from Guidance Counsellors and Teachers
  • February 27, 2015 – All Course Selection sheets are due to the Guidance Counsellor who will deliver them to secondary schools

** Only ONE course selection sheet per student is submitted for ONE secondary school by the Elementary Guidance Counsellor

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Tracie Lambers

WR 9 Elementary Itinerant Guidance Counsellor
Get the latest information:  http://guidanceinfo.weebly.com
Follow me on Twitter: @MrsLsGuidance

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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8)