Playground Buddies

The Playground Buddies are currently enjoying their 2nd annual year of planning fun activities to promote inclusion among students in our school community. The team is comprised of 10 students from grades 4-6 from both Essex and Hawthorne who meet on a regular basis to plan engaging physical activities to offer students during afternoon recess. Our goal is to help create new friendships on the playground by including all interested students and reaching out to those who may have a more challenging time forming relationships. We are in the midst of planning our first round of games and are always looking for more buddies to help us facilitate this important and awesome initiative. If you enjoy leadership responsibilities and want to strengthen our school community through play, than please listen carefully to the announcements so that you can join Ms. Revesz and her dedicated crew at our next meeting.

Thank you,
The Health and Well Being Committee

Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)