Important: Locking front doors after 9:15 am!

Dear Parents/Guardians:
As you may already know, we have a Secure Access System installed at our school. We will start using the system in a couple of weeks. This means that, at various times of the day, the outside doors are locked and a buzzer system (housed in the Essex Main Office) is used to gain access to the school. Using this system provides a safe and a single point of entry where visitors are welcomed and directed to the main office. Parents who need to gain access to our childcare should “buzz in” using the West Entrance as our childcare has a similar system installed.
Effective November 3, 2014 we will be implementing this system as follows:

  • 7:00-9:15 Essex and Hawthorne main doors unlocked.
  • 9:15-11:25   All doors locked.
  • 11:25-12:40 Main door unlocked.
  • 12:40-2:55 All doors locked.
  • 2:55-4:00 Main door unlocked.
  • 4:00-6:00 Main door locked.

Please note: The childcare entrance at the west end of the building will be unlocked at 3:15.
I would like to remind our students, staff, and parents that when it comes to safety, we are fortunate to have a number of safety initiatives, programs and policies that contribute to a safe and caring school. When it comes to safety, it is important to be alert and aware at all times. I know that you too will want to help ensure our community is as safe as possible. Below, you will find a helpful list for discussing street safety with your child(ren).
Children should:

  • Always walk with a buddy to and from school;
  • If you see suspicious activity or strangers, trust your instincts and go to a safe place;
  • When help is needed, go to the nearest store or school, the home of a friend or run towards a group of people or a parent with children;
  • If someone grabs you, SCREAM and RUN;
  • Never approach or enter a stranger’s car;
  • If a car is following you or a stranger, change directions and run;
  • Say ‘NO’ if an adult wants you to do something you know is wrong;
  • Know your name, address and phone number;
  • Know that police officers are friends and can help you;
  • Tell your parents or teacher whenever someone treats you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS;

As always, the safety of our students is a priority and we urge you to once again, reinforce with your children common street-proofing and safety procedures.
Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Jim Stathopoulos Natalie Patterson
Principal Vice Principal


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Posted in Intermediate (Grades 7-8), Junior (Grades 4-6), Kindergarten, Primary (Grades 1-3)